Cellulite on thighs: tips and advice

Cellulite is very common among women and unfortunately there’s no secret cure, but there are ways of improving its appearance to help you feel better in your own skin.

Cellulite: The facts

Find out what cellulite is, what causes it and who is most at risk.

What is cellulite and what’s it caused by?

Cellulite is when the fat beneath the skin pushes against the connective tissue. This is what causes the skin above it to look dimpled and bumpy – some people even say it looks similar to orange peel. There are varying degrees of cellulite and it can range from being barely noticeable to more severe and spread out over a larger area.

Although the formation of cellulite is natural process and won’t harm you, a lot of women don’t like the way it looks and want to get rid of it or at least minimise its appearance.

It's sometimes difficult to know what causes cellulite, as there are often different factors involved, including:
  • Dehydration
  • An unhealthy diet
  • A slow metabolism
  • Not being physically active enough
  • Changes in hormone levels
  • Having a high body fat percentage
  • Certain genetic make-ups

Common areas for cellulite to develop

Cellulite is most common around the thighs, bottom, lower stomach and hips. Although more common among overweight people, all body types can develop cellulite and 9 out of 10 women will experience it at some point in their lives.

How your lifestyle can affect your cellulite

A lot of people are not aware of this, but cellulite is actually greatly dependent on lifestyle. Being an active person and eating a healthy diet can have a significant effect on how visible your cellulite is – or whether you have it at all!

A high-stress lifestyle has been proven to increase the compounds associated with the development of cellulite, whereas exercising regularly and eating healthily can help to make cellulite less noticeable and even prevent it in some cases.

Women are more likely to suffer from cellulite than men

Due to the fact that women tend to carry more fat around their hips and thighs, they are more likely than men to suffer from areas of cellulite. Furthermore, females have less connective tissue, which also puts them at a higher risk of developing it.

Who is more at risk of cellulite?

  • Women
  • People with a family history of cellulite
  • People with an inactive lifestyle
  • Pregnant women
  • Older people, as the skin tends to lose some of its elasticity
  • People that are overweight

Tips for improving the appearance of cellulite

Don’t let cellulite get you down – here are some ideas for reducing the appearance of cellulite on thighs and other body parts.

What products can I use to improve the appearance of cellulite on thighs?

Although nobody has invented a cream to make cellulite instantly vanish, by taking care of your skin by moisturising and exfoliating regularly, you can help to make it less noticeable.

Thoroughly exfoliating the affected area once or twice a week using a good scrub like NIVEA Smooth Sensation Body Scrub will encourage skin cell renewal and remove any dead cells that may be accentuating the appearance of the cellulite.

In addition, keeping the skin moisturised and hydrated using a nourishing body moisturiser like NIVEA Smooth Sensation Body Milk will help to keep the skin’s surface smooth and make the dimpling less noticeable.

4 easy ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite

  • Use a dry body brush to boost circulation
  • Drink a lot of water to keep yourself and your skin cells as hydrated as possible
  • Relax – de-stressing has been proven to have an impact on your cellulite
  • Use a product that targets the appearance of cellulite like NIVEA Firming Cellulite Gel-Cream to smooth and tone the skin – see results in just two weeks!
5 toning exercises for cellulite

Hip bridge

Lie on your back with bent knees and raise your hips so that your knees, hips and chest are in a straight line. Squeeze the muscles in your bottom and hold for a few seconds, before lowering and repeating.
5 toning exercises for cellulite

Reverse lunge

Stand with feet hip-width apart and lunge behind you with one foot so that both knees are at a 90 degree angle. Hold for a few seconds and return to the start, before doing the same on the other leg.
5 toning exercises for cellulite

Standing calf raise

Stand on a step with both heels hanging over the edge. Lift yourself up on to the balls of your feet, hold for a few seconds, and lower back down until your heels are slightly below the step. Repeat this movement.
5 toning exercises for cellulite


Stand with feet hip-width apart and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Slowly raise up again and repeat this movement. To add extra intensity, choose a weight you’re comfortable with and hold a dumbbell in each hand as you squat.
5 toning exercises for cellulite


Use a step or a bench and step up on to it, before stepping down again on the same leg. Repeat this movement and feel free to add dumbbells to work your legs slightly harder.
Diet is everything: Nutritional tips for improving cellulite

Don’t forget your five a day!

Incorporating at least five fruit and vegetables into your diet on a daily basis is essential for keeping your skin healthy and reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Diet is everything: Nutritional tips for improving cellulite

Stick to a meal schedule

If you’re trying to combat cellulite, it’s vital that you stick to a regular eating pattern. This will train your brain to expect food at certain times and should help you to steer clear of sugary snacks between meals.
Diet is everything: Nutritional tips for improving cellulite

Wholegrain is always better

Wholegrain foods keep you feeling fuller for longer and will reduce the amount of excess fat on your body. This, in turn, will make cellulite much less of a problem in the long term.
Diet is everything: Nutritional tips for improving cellulite

Cut down on salt

Reducing your salt intake will help to eliminate excess fluid from your fat cells, which should dramatically minimise the appearance of cellulite. Boosting the amount of water you drink will be helpful for this too.
Diet is everything: Nutritional tips for improving cellulite

Healthy fats are good for you

Don’t avoid all foods that contain fats if you want to decrease the appearance of cellulite. Healthy fats, such as olives, oily fish and avocado, actually hydrate the skin, making it plumper and the dimpling less visible.

A massage might be just what your cellulite needs

Vigorously massaging areas affected by cellulite helps to increase blood circulation and boost the lymphatic system too. This will help to remove toxins and reduce the fluid build-up in the affected area. Use a moisturising body oil like NIVEA Indulging Body Oil.


Quick and easy anti cellulite massage that work